How Do I Meet People?


Our church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.

Youth Ministry

Each Sunday evening our Youth meet. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that everyone gets to participate and learn. The youth ministry of our church is recognized for their meaningful interaction with kids. The last major Youth outing during this co-vid season was a river run tubing adventure with an outdoor picnic afterwards

Young Adults

Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions. Bigger stakes. Serious relationships. And a whole lot more decisions. The young adult group of our church provides a welcoming atmosphere for college and early-career aged young people.

Women’s Group

Women’s groups give the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. Our women’s group, called SOS ( Sisterhood of Seekers),  have times of Bible study, prayer (and, of course, food). This provides a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church. other activities have included a knitting group 

Men’s Sunday School Group

Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages. Accountability groups consist of three men each. Accountability groups meet together as their schedules allow and keep in touch by email or phone.
This group also engages in mission events like painting for Habitat for Humanity or Operation Love. They love to help folks in need.

Over 50’s

Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-50 group of First Baptist provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction.  Our 3 C’s group is a major ministry center in our community. Board members of many of the local ministry efforts are members of this group. In addition there are many fellow ship events which will soon resume as co-vid vaccines are made available.